Almighty Allah informs the Angels regarding His new creation – Human
Allah the Exalted, informed that He was going to create a vicegerent on the earth who will have children and grandchildren. The angels then asked Allah the Almighty “Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood? While we praise and worship you?” Allah replied, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know:
And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.” They said, “Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?” Allah said, “Indeed, I know that which you do not know.”
{Surah Baqarah: Ayat 30}.
Allah the Almighty announced that He was going to create a human being out of clay, that He would mould him and blow His spirit into him.
Almighty Allah ordered the Angels to get Him clay
Ibn Mas’ud and other companions of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said that Allah the Almighty sent Gabriel onto the Earth to get Him clay therefrom. The Earth said: “I seek refuge in Allah from your decreasing my quantity or disfiguring me.” So Gabriel returned and did not take anything. He said: “My Lord, the land sought refuge in You and it was granted.”
So Allah sent Michael for the same purpose, and the land sought refuge with Allah and it was granted. So he went back and said to Allah what Gabriel has said before him.
Then Allah sent the Angel of Death, and the land sought refuge, the angel said: “I also seek refuge with Allah from returning without carrying out His command.” So he took clay from the face of the earth and mixed it. The Angel of Death ascended with it, Allah soaked the clay till it became sticky.
Allah then told the Angels that He was going to create a human being with clay from an altered black mud.
…”Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay.”
{Surah Saad: Ayat 71}
…””I will create a human being out of clay from an altered black mud.”
{Surah Al-Hijr: Ayat 28}
Why are the Humans Different (being from the same father)
Abu Musa al-Ashari narrated that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Allah created Adam from a handful of dust taken from different lands, so the children of Adam have been created according to the composition of the land. Therefore from mankind we have white, red, black and yellow ones; we have good and evil, and what comes in between them.” [Ibn Kathir]
What happened before breathing spirit on Adam(pbuh)
According to Ibn Kathir, Allah shaped Adam(pbuh) into a human being, but he remained a figure of clay for 40 years. The angels went past him. They were seized with fear by what they saw, and Iblis felt fear most. He used to pass by the figure of Adam, buffeting it, which would make a sound like pottery.
Allah told us: “He created man from clay like pottery.” {Surah Ar-Rahman: Ayat 14}.
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: After that Allah left him till it became like potter’s clay. Iblis used to go past him saying ‘You have been created for a great purpose.’
Allah the Almighty blew Soul to Adam AS
Allah SWT has informed us in the Quran that he Has breathed His Soul/Ruh on to Adam. We need to understand a crucial concept here, Allah by using the word “My soul” didn’t literally mean that Allah’s own soul was breathed on to Adam. Allah used such an expression to suggest that this particular creation (soul of Adam) is in fact a creation of honor. So, this does not mean that Allah’s divine nature was present in Adam or even present inside every single one of us after Adam, because every alive human being has a soul inside of him/her.
So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul…” {Surah Sad: Ayat 72; Surah Al-Hijr: Ayat 29}
Ibn Kathir mentioned, Allah breathed into Adam. The soul started from the top of the head and reached down to the legs. When it reached his eyes, he could see the Angels prostrating before him except one (Iblees). When the soul reached his nose he Adam sneezed. Adam said Alhadulillah (All praise and thanks belongs to Allah). Allah responded back to him: Yarhamukallah (Your Lord has granted you mercy) {Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Hadith 3694}. This was the first conversation among Allah and humankind. When it reached his abdomen Adam felt an appetite for food. He jumped hurriedly to eat the fruits of Paradise before the spirit could reach his legs, so he failed to do so. Many scholars argued that Allah said the below – as a consequence of this incident: “Man is created of haste.“ {Surah Al-Anbya, Ayat 37}
Allah taught Adam(pbuh) the name of everything
Allah (SWT) taught Adam AS the names of everything. He knew the names of everything and everyone. Then Allah asked the angels the names of few things. They replied, “Allah, you are all-knowing, we only know that, what you have taught us. Then, when Allah asked Adam AS the names of those things and he told the names of those things in front of the Angels. Thus, Allah showed the angels that He gave Adam (peace be upon him) knowledge which He did not even give to the angels.
Then Allah told that He knows whatever anyone expresses and also whatever anyone hides within him/her – he is fully aware of every revealed and concealed matters. Here, one amazing noticeable thing is, at that time only Adam AS and the angels were present at that time who had nothing to hide. Iblis was the only one present there, who hid in his mind a great jealousy and arrogance which became clear in the following verses after this.
Allah taught Adam all the names of everything, then He showed them to the angels and said: “Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful.”
They (angels) said: “Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise.”
He (Allah) said: “O Adam! Inform them of their names,” and when he had informed them of their names, He said: “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen in the heavens and the earth, and I know what you reveal and what you have been hiding?”
{Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat 31-33}
So, the angels realized that Adam(pbuh) was the creature who knew what they did not know.
Almighty Allah commanded the Angels + Iblees to prostrate before Adam(pbuh)
At that time, Iblees (the jinn) was allowed to mingle with the Angels and worship Allah(swt) in Paradise.
When the time drew near to breathe the soul into Adam, as Allah decreed, He commanded the angels: “When I breathe My spirit into him prostrate before him.”
And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], and given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, “Prostrate to Adam”… {Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 11}
Allah(swt) did not mean to ask their opinion or take their advice, for He is above that, he simply commanded them to do so. What’s clear is that this prostration was to show respect and did not mean that the angels were worshipping Adam. Prostrating in worship is done only for Allah.
Iblees’s Reaction against the Order of Allah
Iblees Refused to Prostrate and became Shaitan
Iblees refused to follow the command of Almighty Allah out of arrogance – and became a disbeliever (Shaitan):
And when We said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam”; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers. {Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat 34; Surah Sad: Ayat 73-74; Surah Kahf: Ayat 50; Surah Taha: Ayat 116}.
So the angels prostrated – all of them entirely, Except Iblees, he refused to be with those who prostrated. {Surah Al-Hijr: Ayat 30-31; Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 11}.
Iblees Tried to Compare himself with Adam(pbuh)
Allah(swt) questioned Iblis to mention the reason behind his refusal and Iblis tried to compare himself to Adam(pbuh) and establish his own superiority over Adam mentioning “I am better than Adam. You have created me from fire and created him from clay”. He believed that he was better in creation and more honorable than Adam. Therefore, he abstained from prostrating even though Allah had commanded him to do so, just as He had commanded the angels. Actually, a nasty kind of arrogance was developed inside of Iblees.
Iblees declared his jealousy towards Adam(pbuh) which is captured in various Ayats:
[Allah] said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” [Satan] said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay.” {Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 12; Surah Sad: Ayat 76}.
[Allah] said, O Iblees, what is [the matter] with you that you are not with those who prostrate?” He[Iblees] said, “Never would I prostrate to a human whom You created out of clay from an altered black mud.” {Surah Al-Hijr: Ayat 32-33}.
…He[Iblees] said, “Should I prostrate to one You created from clay?” {Surah Al-Isra: Ayat 61}.
Allah(swt) ordered Iblees to get out of Paradise
Due to the denial, Iblis was expelled from Paradise:
[Allah] said, “Descend from Paradise, for it is not for you to be arrogant therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the disgraced one. {Surah Al-Araf: Ayat 13}.
[Allah] said, “Then get out of Paradise, for indeed, you are expelled. {Surah Al-Hijr: Ayat 34; Surah Sad: Ayat 77}.
Iblees requested permission to Survive and Mislead Humanity
Iblees then requested Allah(swt) to keep him alive till the Day of Resurrection. He was allowed to live until the end of the world. He tried to justify his refusal by mentioning that the new creation from clay (which was more honored than Iblees) is such that it can be easily misled and sent astray.
We must always bear in mind of this challenge of Iblees:
[Iblees] said, “Do You see this one whom You have honored above me? If You delay me until the Day of Resurrection, I will surely destroy his descendants, except for a few.” {Surah Al-Isra: Ayat 62}.
He[Iblees] said,” My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.” [Allah] said, “So indeed, you are of those reprieved. {Surah Al-Hijr: Ayat 36-37; Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 14-15; Surah Sad: Ayat 79-80}.
Iblees Blamed Allah(swt) for what happened
So, Iblees argued that Allah(swt) had misled him. Instead of acknowledging his own fault he blamed Allah(swt) for this incident and promised to mislead the Human being using various attractions of this earth. He swore that he will misguide the human beings and lead them to Jahannam with him.
[Iblees] said, “My Lord, because You have put me in error, I will surely make [disobedience] attractive to them on earth, and I will mislead them all {Surah Al-Hijr: Ayat 39}.
Shaitan will entice the Human beings in such a manner that disobedience to Allah(swt) looks attractive to them and he will attack from before, behind, left and right. Shaitan influences most of us in a way that we fail to adequately thank and praise Allah(swt).
[Satan] said, “Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You].” {Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 16-17}.
So Allah(swt) has warned us several times to avoid deception
Allah(swt) Has warned us in the Quran not to be deceived by our enemy, Shaitan. We have been warned so that we can realize Shaitan’s presence and take them as our real enemy:
“O Children of Adam! Let not Shaitan (Satan) deceive you, as he got your parents (Adam and Hawwa’ (Eve)) out of Paradise,” {Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 27}
Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you; so take him as an enemy. He only invites his party to be among the companions of the Blaze. {Surah AL-A’RAF: Ayat 6}
The Covenant of Humanity (Including Us)
Allah SWT once rubbed the back of Adam AS and brought forth his progenies and asked “Am I not your Lord?” The souls of every single human being that has ever existed, including us and all of the souls yet to come in this earth were present at that time and made the covenant with Allah(SWT).
In that time, we have testified Allah(swt) as our Lord/God mentioning, “Yes, indeed you are our Lord.”
And after our testimony Allah(swt) said, “Hope you can testify the same on the day of resurrection.” But we have actually forgotten this.
Then Allah said that, if we fail to testify the same, we should not show our ignorance or the customs of our fore-fathers as an excuse – because Allah has guided us with the help of the Qur’an.
Allah the Almighty revealed: And when your Lord took from the children of Adam – from their loins – their descendants and made them testify of themselves, “Am I not your Lord?” They said, “Yes, we have testified.” lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, “Indeed, we were of this unaware.”Or [lest] you say, “It was only that our fathers associated [others in worship] with Allah before, and we were but descendants after them. Then would You destroy us for what the falsifiers have done?”And thus do We [explain in] detail the verses, and perhaps they will return.{Surah Al-Araf: Ayat 172-4}
Although we have forgotten this whole incident – but we have a thing engrained inside us, which is called as Fitrah, that knows & auto verifies that Allah is our only Lord.
So direct your face [i.e., self] toward the religion, inclining to truth. [Adhere to] the fiṭrah of Allah upon which He has created [all] people. No change should there be in the creation of Allah. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know. {Surah Ar-Rum: Ayat 30}
According to Ibn Kathir, Allah raised their father Adam, and he looked at them and saw among them who were rich and those who were poor, and those who had good forms and those who did not. Adam(pbuh) said: “O Allah! I wish You to make Your servants equal.” Allah replied “I love being thanked.” Adam(pbuh) saw among the prophets like lamps among his progeny.
The Covenant of The Prophets
Almighty Allah also took strong covenants from all the prophets specially from Muhammad(pbuh), Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus (pbut) in order to convey and establish the religion.
“Remember when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from you (O Muhammad), and from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus son of Mary. We took from them a strong covenant.” {Surah Al-Ahzab: Ayat 7}
Similarity/Resemblance between Adam(pbuh) and Isa(pbuh)
Almighty Allah declared that Adam AS and Isa AS looked alike.
Indeed, the example of Jesus(Isa) to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, “Be,” and he was.” {Surah Ali-Imran: Ayat 59}
Adam(pbuh) was told to Dwell in Paradise with Hawa(RA)
Allah the Exalted said that He has created Hawa RA from Adam AS. Allah also informed that, He had created Hawa RA so that Adam AS gets tranquility in living with her.
“It is he Who has created you (humanity) from a single person (Adam) and then He created his wife from him, in order that he might enjoy the pleasure of living with her.”{Surah Al-Araf: Ayat 189}.
Ibn Kathir mentioned, Adam(pbuh) was in Paradise, felt lonely and did not have a partner from whom he could get tranquility. One day he slept and when he awoke he found near his head, a woman, gazing at his face with beautiful tender eyes.
Adam(pbuh) asked her, “Who are you? She replied, “A woman” He asked: “Why have you been created?” She said :”So that you could find tranquility in me.”
The angels asked Adam(pbuh) her name and he replied: “Eve (Hawa).” (means living things). They asked: “Why did you call her Eve?” Adam(pbuh) said: “Because she was created of me and I am a living being.”
And We said, “O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will…. {Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat 35}
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“O Muslims! I advise you to be gentle with women, for they are created from a rib, and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part. If you try to straighten it, it will break and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women.” {Sahih Bukhari Book 60, Hadith 6}.
The Forbidden Tree
Adam(pbuh) and Hawa(RA) were admitted to Paradise and there they lived the dream of all human beings. Allah permitted them to approach and enjoy everything except one tree. Allah (swt) commanded them even not to approach or go near that particular tree.
…”But do not come near this tree or you both will be of the wrong doers.”
{Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat 35; Surah Araf: Ayat 19}
Adam(pbuh) and Hawa(RA) knew that they were forbidden to eat the fruit of that tree. Adam(pbuh) was however a human being and mankind lacks sufficient control over their minds and desires. Mankind also has the tendency to forget, the feelings inside the hearts change and perseverance/will power go up and down. Iblis summoned all the envy within him and took advantage of Adam’s humanity to exploit him. He started to whisper to him day after day: “Shall I guide you to the tree of Immortality and the Eternal Kingdom?” He also told: “Allah actually forbade them not to eat from the tree because eating from will will make them immortal like the angels”. Iblees further gave reliance to them mentioning that he is a well wisher or trusted advisor to them.
“‘Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals.’ He (Satan) swore by Allah to them both saying: ‘Verily I am one of the sincere well wishers for you both.’ “ {Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 20-21}
Adam(pbuh) asked himself: “What will happen if I eat from this tree? It might truly be the Tree of Immortality.” His dream was to live forever in the pure sanctity of Paradise.”
Iblees took a long period of time to be able to convince them and at last, they decided to eat its fruit. They forgot that Allah had warned them about Iblis and mentioned them that he was their sworn enemy. Adam AS might have also forgotten the fact that he took an oath not to eat from the tree.
“Indeed We made a covenant with Adam before, but he forgot, and We found on his part no firm will power. {Surah Ta-Ha: Ayat 115}
So, despite of Allah’s prohibitions they both got near that forbidden tree and ate from it.
Allah(swt) told us: “So he (Satan) misled them with deception.” {Surah Al-A’raf:22} Allah(swt) said: “Thus did they disobey his Lord so he went astray.” {Surah Ta-Ha:121}
After eating from the tree Adam(pbuh) discovered himself and his wife to be unclothed/naked, so they both started to cover themselves with the leaves of the trees of the surrounding. Allah the Almighty revealed these matters to us:
“O children of Adam, let not Satan tempt you as he removed your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their clothing to show them their private parts. Indeed, he sees you, he and his tribe, from where you do not see them. Indeed, We have made the devils allies to those who do not believe.”{Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 27}
Allah the Almighty addressed to Adam, “‘Did I not forbid you to eat from that tree and warned that Shaitan is an enemy unto you?’ They said: ‘Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You do not forgive us, we shall certainly be among the losers.’ Then Allah said: ‘Get down to earth and live there for a certain period of time till you die and from there you will be resurrected.’
“‘Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you: Verily Satan is an open enemy unto you?’ They said: ‘Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers.’ Allah said: ‘Get down, one of you an enemy to the other (Adam, Eve, and Satan etc). On earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment, for a time.’ He said: ‘Therein you shall live and therein you shall die, and from it you shall be brought out (resurrected).’ {Surah Al-A’raf: Ayat 22-25}
They left Paradise and descended upon the earth. Adam(pbuh) and Hawa(RA) regretted and sought forgiveness from Allah. Allah accepted their repentance because it was sincere.
Disobedience to Allah(swt) will only cause us harm
Adam(pbuh) was warned in advance that Shaitan is his sworn enemy. But, he forgot this, so Shaitan could easily trick him to disobey Allah(swt). Later on he was forgiven for his repentance and was given guidance by Allah(swt).
Adam(pbuh) was sent down on earth with his wife. And informed that whoever from his progeny will accept Allah’s(swt) guidance will not go astray nor fall into distress and misery. But, whoever disregards, will have a hard life and will be raised blind on the day of resurrection as they disregarded and were blind towards the guidance of the Quran in this world.
Allah the Almighty recounted this lesson for us:
“Indeed We made a covenant with Adam before, but he forgot, and We found on his part no firm will power. Remember when We said to the angels “Prostrate yourselves to Adam.” They prostrated (all) except Iblis, who refused. then We said: “O Adam! verily, this is an enemy to you and to your wife. so let him not get you both out of Paradise, so that you be distressed in misery. Verily, you have (a promise from Us) that you will never be hungry therein nor naked. And you will suffer not from thrist therein nor from the sun’s heat.” then Satan whispered to him, saying “O Adam! Shall I lead you to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that will never waste away?” Then they both ate of that tree, and so their private parts appeared to them, and they began to stick on themselves the leaves from Paradise for their covering. Thus did Adam disobey his Lord, so he went astray. Then his Lord chose him, and turned to him with forgiveness and gave him guidance.
Allah said: “Get you down (upon the earth), both of you, together from Paradise, some of you are an enemy to some others. Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My Guidance shall neither go astray, nor fall into distress and misery. But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (neither believes in this Quran nor acts on its orders etc). Verily, for him is a life of hardship and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection.”
He will say: “O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, while I had sight before.” Allah will said: “like this, Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc). came unto you, but you disregarded them (you left them, did not think deeply in them, and you turned away from them), and so this Day, you will be neglected in the Hellfire, away from Allah’s Mercy.)” And thus do We requite him who transgresses beyond bounds (commits the great sins and disobeys his Lord (allah) and believes not in His Messengers, and His revealed Books, like this Quran etc), and believes not in the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc). of his Lord, and the torment of the Hereafter is far more severe and more lasting.” {Surah Ta-Ha: Ayat 115-127}
Commentary: Why Adam(AS) and Hawa(RA) Descended
Some people believe that mankind would dwell in Paradise, the only reason why we are here on this earth was for the disobedience of Adam AS. Or else, we could have been in Jannat all along. These are naive fictions because when Allah wanted to create Adam, He said to the angels, “I shall make a vicegerent on the earth.” He did not say, “I shall make a vicegerent in Paradise.”
Allah knew that Adam(pbuh) and Hawa(RA) would eat of the tree and consequently descend on to earth. He knew that Shaitan would take advantage of their innocence. It was meant to teach Adam, Eve, and their progeny (including us) that it was Shaitan who had influenced them and caused them to be expelled from Paradise. If we obey Allah and try to stay away from the deception of Shaitans we can get to Jannat Insha’Allah.
Commentary: Adam’s Free will
Can it be argued that Adam(pbuh) was predestined to sin and was to be expelled from Paradise and sent to the earth?
Allah does not force things to happen. He has granted free will to human beings Adam(pbuh) had complete free will, and therefore he bore the responsibilities for consequences of his disobedience.
So, Adam(pbuh) repented and Allah SWT accepted his repentance and forgave him. This story of Adam(pbuh) is repeated in the Quran multiple times in order to teach and warn us how Shaitan works to deceive us and how we can protect ourselves and repent to Allah in order to forgive our sins.
Encounter Between Adam and Moses (pbut) – Hadith
Allah SWT once allowed Moses(pbuh) to have a conversation with Adam(pbuh) where he argued with Adam(pbuh) that due to his eating from the tree we(human beings) are expelled from Paradise. But Adam(pbuh) beautifully counter-argued that this was predestined far before Adam(pbuh) was created. Thus Adam(pbuh) overcame Moses (pbuh) with this argument. Till now, many of us have the same question in mind and here is the answer: Adam AS was not actually blaming Allah(swt) for his sin. Rather he argued that humankind, including him, were predestined to come to this Earth. So, Adam AS sin is not the reason of our Existence in this Earth, rather it was predestined by the Almighty.
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Messenger sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Adam and Moses argued with each other. Moses said to Adam: ‘Your sin expelled you from Paradise.’ Adam said: ‘ You are Moses whom Allah selected as His messenger and as the one to whom He spoke directly. Yet you blame me for a thing which had already been written in my fate before my Creation?” Allah’s Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said twice, “So Adam overcame Moses with this argument.” {Sahih Bukhari Book 60, Hadith 82}.
One interesting point to note here is that:
- When Moses(pbuh) blamed Adam(pbuh) for the reason of our existence on this earth, Adam(pbuh) argued that it was predestined.
- But, when Allah SWT asked Adam(pbuh), why he ate from the forbidden tree, he accepted the blame upon him and sought repentance.
He actually understood that he made that mistake and took responsibility for such action upon himself accordingly. So, there is a fine difference between predestination and taking responsibility for one’s own sin. Allah SWT knows who is going to make a mistake but never forces that person to do that wrong.
Adam(pbuh) Gifted a portion of his lifespan to Dawud AS
Adam(pbuh) gifted his 60 years of lifespan to Dawud AS and later on forgot this matter at the time of his death. When Allah (swt) presented the souls of mankind in front of Adam (pbuh), Adam (pbuh) asked about bright faced Dawud (pbuh) among them, Allah informed him that 40 years had been fixed for his life. Adam (pbuh) requested to give 60 years of his own life to Dawud (pbuh). Later, when Adam (pbuh) was on this earth and the time of death came, Malakul Maut asked his permission to take his soul, he said that he still had sixty more years to live – as he forgot about that event.
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: “When Allah created Adam, … he said: ‘What are these O my Lord?’ He said: ‘These are your offspring?’ Each one of them had his age written between his eyes. But among them there was a man who was the most illuminating of them. He said: ‘O Lord! Who is this?’ He said: ‘This is your son Dawud, I wrote forty years for him.’ He said: ‘O Lord! Add to his age.’ He said: ‘That is what I have written for him.’ He said: ‘O Lord! Give him sixty of my years.’ He said: ‘So you shall have it.’” He said: “Then, he resided in Paradise as long as Allah willed, then he was cast from it, so Adam was counting for himself.” He said: “So the Angel of death came to him, and Adam said to him: ‘You are hasty, one-thousand years were written for me.’ He said: ‘Of course! But you gave sixty years to your son Dawud.’ So he rejected, and his offspring rejected, and he forgot, and his offspring forgot.” He said: “So ever since that day, what is written and witnessed has been decreed.” {Jami` at-Tirmidhi, Book 44, Hadith 3367}.
Adam AS descended on a Friday
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created. on it he was made to enter Paradise, on it he was expelled from it. And the last hour will take place on no day other than Friday..” {Sahih Muslim, Book 7, Hadith 27}.
Adam’s Life on Earth
Adam(pbuh) knew he left the peace of Paradise. On earth he had to struggle a lot in order to sustain himself. He had to cultivate and construct and populate the earth. He had to protect himself with clothes and weapons and protect his wife and children from the wild beasts.
Above all, he had to struggle against his own Nafs. The Shaitan, who has caused him to be expelled from Paradise, that very Shaitan continued to put effort to cause him and his children to be thrown into the eternal hellfire. The battle between good and evil is continuous, but those who follow Allah’s guidance and should fear nothing while those who disobey Allah and follow Iblis will be destroyed along with him.